Fondazione Lineapiù Italia has launched Talents Lineapiù program dedicated to supporting knitwear fashion talents: the initiative intends to sustain young fashion talents on the national and international panorama who have distinguished themselves for their use of yarns and the quality of their knits.
The contest – which selects and rewards one young talent each season - is aimed at young talents who are already working in the fashion sector: judging them will be a scientific committee composed of members of the trade – selected from among famous personalities in the worlds of fashion, retail, institutions, journalism and manufacturing – who twice each year choose the winner of the Lineapiù Award.
Stylists already working on the market with their own brand and a distribution structure are eligible for the award; students are not eligible to participate.
For two years, the winner of the Lineapiù Award will be guaranteed technical sponsorship with the supply of Lineapiù and Filclass yarns for creating his or her sample collections over four commercial seasons (i.e. two spring/summer and two fall/winter seasons).
Lineapiù pledges to:
- Include the winner in the Lineapiù for Talents program
- Supply the yarns required for building the sample collections of the selected stylist for 4 commercial seasons, i.e. two S/S and two F/W seasons, equal to 2 calendar years. The period of 2 years has been chosen because the aim is to validly assist the talent to become established, offering concrete support over an appreciable time span.
- The technical sponsorship within the above terms shall be combined with the possibility of accessing and carrying out research at the Archivio Storico Lineapiù. This shall, naturally, be carried out in compliance with the rules of commercial confidentiality of which the winner shall be informed by Lineapiù.
The candidate pledges to:
- Share all the communication materials related to his/her creations (images, videos, special initiatives) with Lineapiù and acknowledge the Project in which s/he is involved and the yarns chosen in the press folders and in all the public relations activities, according to modalities agreed with Lineapiù.
- To only use yarns supplied by Lineapiù for the production of the collections for the entire duration of the program (i.e. for the 4 collections for which s/he benefits from the technical sponsorship of Lineapiù).
- To donate one garment from each collection produced to the Archivio Storico Lineapiù: this shall be understood to mean one look that dresses a manikin.
In the event that the winner needs to use a yarn not manufactured by Lineapiù in order to produce a garment, s/he shall pledge not to use non-Lineapiù yarns without prior agreement in writing between the parties and with the express authorization of Lineapiù.
The candidate accepts that Lineapiù reserves the right to withdraw from the collaboration at any time in the event that it should discover any breach of the above obligations as well as, more in general, any type of impropriety.
The contest is open to emerging talents of any nationality who have distinguished themselves for their capacity to interpret the art of knitwear and for their use of yarns, and who meet the following conditions:
- Age: from 23 to 40 years;
- Candidates must have already produced at least two collections;
- Candidates must possess an active distribution structure (indicating sales outlets and e-commerce sites);
- Candidates must have been active on the market for at least 2 seasons.
It is hereby specified that in the event that the brand and the relative creations refer to several subjects, it is necessary for at least one of them to possess all the above requisites, none excluded.
​Method of participation and sending of material
Each candidate should register in the section of the website dedicated to the contest. Applications which are incomplete or received after the date stated shall not be taken into consideration. The following should be attached to the registration:
- Biographic profile of the Designer/Brand with CV or company profile of the professional and educational course undertaken by the same;
- Selection of 5 best looks belonging to the two last collections. (5 looks for each collection, for a total amount of 10. This is mandatory).
- Portfolio of past collections (Images, videos, presentations or any other material related to collections already produced);
- List of sales outlets with complete address where the candidate’s garments have already been presented or sold and/or any presentations have been held by retailers, journalists, stylists or manufacturers who have viewed the collection. The statements made in the participation application should be suitably documented as it should be possible to verify them;
- Press review for the last two years (where available);
- Participation form and acceptance of the regulations duly filled in and signed from the website.
- Declaration and guarantee – if the designer uses a proprietary brand – to be the exclusive owner of the said brand. In the event of the co-ownership of the brand it shall be necessary to attach a declaration signed by all the other joint owners in which they authorize the candidate to take part in the competition also on their behalf; this declaration should be complete with the personal data of each co-owner. In the event that the brand is owned by a company, the participation of the designer/s shall be exclusively permitted where the same hold/s a qualified quota of the company’s share capital that is cumulatively no less than 20% (a certificate of the chamber of commerce should be attached). In any case the participant should declare and document that s/he is authorized to use the brand, producing a valid authorizing document from the company’s legal representative.
- Written certification by the candidate in which the same pledges, in the event of victory, to comply with the restrictions prescribed by Lineapiù on a case by case basis in relation to advertising as well as privacy, particularly for the purposes of accessing the Archivio Storico Lineapiù.
Exclusion from the Lineapiù for Talents project
Whilst confirming the exclusion of any candidates presenting an application that is incomplete or who do not possess the requisites for participation, the Fondazione may exclude the candidates from the competition at any time – even where the same have already been successful – in the event that they fail to comply with these regulations.
All the material should be attached to the registration, at the risk of exclusion from the selection. Lineapiù shall reserve the right to further vary the term for the presentation of the participation applications, notifying the same through publication on the Lineapiù Italia website.
Any candidates that have provided information that turns out to be false or misleading may be excluded at any stage, even subsequent to adjudication.
Any clarification regarding the competition should be requested exclusively in writing using the following address [email protected]
Responsibilities of the Fondazione
Lineapiù hereby declines all responsibility deriving from events of any kind or nature, direct or indirect, related to participation in the competition.
By taking part in the competition the candidates shall irrevocably waiver any requests for compensation for any damage caused to their projects and/or for any losses incurred.
In any case the candidates hereby acknowledge and accept that under no circumstances shall the material be returned that they have sent in to be submitted to the committee.
The candidates shall make themselves available for the whole selection period in order to send or to integrate, upon the request of Lineapiù, the material submitted for the evaluation of the scientific committee which shall draw up a shortlist of three final candidates for the assignment of the Award.
Infos: [email protected]