
It is our aim to disseminate the concept that the arts of tailoring and dressmaking are part of Italy’s cultural history. By involving various institutions and developing programs to recover, restore and enhance our country’s immense fashion heritage, we shall promote projects to prevent the concept and innovative spirit of Made in Italy from being lost.
With the full awareness that it takes years of learning and experience to develop a craftsperson, we seek to make the world aware of the fact that crafting is a complex and highly productive field. It is very closely tied to the key areas of Made in Italy, and therefore, must be reinvigorated and promoted, especially in the field of producing and then working with yarns.
It is our intent to promote yarn manufacture, in terms of innovation and then usage in knitting and weaving. We shall emphasize all aspects of the industry related to human psychological and physical well-being. We shall approach this task by favoring cooperation with public and private, Italian and foreign entities in order to create the virtuous synergies needed to achieve our goals. The Fondazione Lineapiù Italia holds research and studies on new production methods, new materials and new esthetic concepts to be essential. Our guiding principle in these activities is the person, in physical and metaphysical terms, and therefore, it is the human being that must be our primary reference for all business and social actions we undertake.
Using the most modern computer tools to educate, train and communicate with those who work in the yarn industry – or aspire to do so – is essential. One of our fundamental goals is to disseminate what we learn and develop at the Fondazione Lineapiù Italia, and this goal is closely related to creating a positive social impact.
Sustainability is another force and reference model for all of the foundation’s activities. Going beyond the several meanings the term “sustainability” has acquired over the past thirty years, for the Fondazione Lineapiù Italia it means working towards the well-being and prosperity of the community: we can help derive this positive impact from the new algorithms and new synergies the foundation develops, and we shall endeavor to increase it for the benefit of future generations.